Former police officer Krystle Mitchell, diligently & ethically served her Victorian community for more than 16 years, before giving it all up to speak out against Daniel Andrews and his use of the Victoria Police Force during his reign over the State during Covid-19.

She was on the launching pad of her career as an officer, the happiest she had ever been in policing, and had just committed to a Masters in Policing & Leadership. She lost it all for simply speaking out against what is now agreed by many, to have been gross Government overreach & police brutality.

Her story is unlike any other. From her entrance into this world, to her upbringing in as a Ward of the State; a child runaway on the path to sex, drugs and crime, she found a way out, & into the world of policing. The job saved her life.

Krystle has left the world of policing behind her & is now focused on discovering who she is without the badge, & what positive action she can contribute to her world.

An unremarkable person who did a rather remarkable thing – listen to her story in her own words at the Albury Triple Conference.