
  • Krystle Mitchell

    Former police officer Krystle Mitchell, diligently & ethically served her Victorian community for more than 16 years, before giving it all up to speak out against Daniel Andrews and his use of the Victoria Police Force during his reign over the State during Covid-19.

    She was on the launching pad of her career as an officer, the happiest she had ever been in policing, and had just committed to a Masters in Policing & Leadership. She lost it all for simply speaking out against what is now agreed by many, to have been gross Government overreach & police brutality.

    Her story is unlike any other. From her entrance into this world, to her upbringing in as a Ward of the State; a child runaway on the path to sex, drugs and crime, she found a way out, & into the world of policing. The job saved her life.

    Krystle has left the world of policing behind her & is now focused on discovering who she is without the badge, & what positive action she can contribute to her world.

    An unremarkable person who did a rather remarkable thing – listen to her story in her own words at the Albury Triple Conference.

  • Henk Wallenborn (Rural Rebel)

    Henk Wallenborn is not your typical activist. Formerly a chef, he discovered a passion for meaningful change that transcended the confines of the kitchen. Now, as an impassioned independent journalist and political candidate, Henk is dedicated to creating a better world for people everywhere.

    His journey began in the culinary world, but it was his unwavering desire for meaningful change that propelled him into the media and political arena. Recognizing the lack of representation for regional communities in mainstream media, Henk founded The Rural Rebel. This platform stands as a beacon for those who have felt their voices drowned out by the noise of conglomerates, advocating fiercely for independent representation and amplifying the voices of the unheard.

    Henk’s commitment to community welfare runs deep. He believes in the power of grassroots movements and is a fervent advocate for empowering individuals to take action. Through his tireless efforts, he exemplifies the ethos of being the change he wants to see in the world.

    Whether through creating impactful events or speaking out on behalf of those in need, Henk Wallenborn is a driving force for positive change. His dedication knows no bounds as he paves the way forward for all who seek a brighter future.

  • Dr John Humphreys

    Dr John Humphreys is the Chief Economist at The Australian Taxpayers Alliance, Sessional Lecturer at the University of Queensland, and Founder of the Libertarian Party.

    John has worked previously for The Australian Treasury, done consulting projects for clients including the World Bank and ASEAN, and ran a university research centre (PRIME) and education charity (HCP/Bodia) in Cambodia, for which he was awarded a knighthood in 2016. He has a PhD in economics, has travelled to over 80 countries, and is a qualified JP and scuba divemaster. John lives with his wife and three boys on the Redcliffe Peninsula in Queensland.

  • John Ruddick MLC

    John Ruddick MLC is an Australian politician. He has been a Libertarian member of the New South Wales Legislative Council since 20 April 2023, and is the first member of the party to be elected to the NSW Parliament.

  • Anthony Dillon

    Originally from Queensland, Anthony is an Aboriginal affairs commentator, an honorary researcher at the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education at the Australian Catholic University in Sydney. He is proud of both his Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal ancestry.

    As an active social commentator on Aboriginal issues, he has, for more than two decades, been challenging the dominant view that Aboriginal people are fundamentally different from non-Aboriginal people and are the endless victims of colonisation and racism. He has had several thought-provoking articles published in The Australian Newspaper, The Conversation, Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun and the ABC Drum online

    His writings can be found at http://www.anthonydillon.com.au

  • Joanne Nova

    Jo Nova is a science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host. Over a million people read her blog, joannenova.com.au each year.  She’s author of The Skeptics Handbook which has been translated into 15 languages and printed in over 200,000 copies.  Jo is a prize winning science graduate who hosted a children’s TV series on Channel Nine, and has been a regular keynote speaker at international conferences on medical research, climate science, renewable energy and How to Destroy an Electricity Grid. She has been a guest on the ABC, Sky News, Mark Steyn, and The Aussie Wire. She was Manager of the Shell Questacon Science Circus and an associate lecturer in Science Communication at the ANU. In a past life she was also a vegetarian and a dedicated member of the The Greens. Now she battles corruption in science, speaks for whistleblowers and exposes the dark influence of trillion dollar financial funds, foreign dictators and the danger of monopolistic government control of science. Multinational bankers want to save the world. Who knew?

    Her blog won Best Topical Blog of 2015, The LifeTime Achievement Award in the 2014 Bloggies and Best Australian and New Zealand Blog in 2012.

  • The Hon Dr Gary Johns

    Gary served in the House of Representatives and was Special Minister of State and Assistant Minister for Industrial Relations in the second Keating government. 

    He served as an Associate Commissioner of the Commonwealth Productivity Commission and was the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commissioner 2017-2022.

    He received the Centenary Medal for ‘service to Australian society through the advancement of economic, social and political issues’ and the 2002 Fulbright Professional Award in Australian-United States Alliance Studies, served at Georgetown University Washington DC. 
    He is the author of The Burden of Culture (Quadrant) and chair of Close the Gap Research.

  • Monica Smit

    Monica, has been on the front line of Australia’s freedom movement during the Melbourne Lockdowns, in August 2020 she founded ‘Reignite Democracy Australia’, an organisation that empower Australian Citizens by giving them a voice and providing them with solutions and honest media reporting.

    Monica hit the International news after spending 22 days in prison for refusing to sign Victorian Police draconian bail conditions. She was being charged with incitement for publishing an anti-lockdown protest poster on social media.

    You can read Monica’s account in her book, ‘Cell 22’ which you can purchase here: https://www.monicasmit.com/cell-22/

  • Lloyd Polkinghorne

    Lloyd Polkinghorne is a multi-generational farmer who now finds himself in the publishing industry. Lloyd grew up on the inland delta of Southern NSW, surrounded by creeks and floods ways, which fostered his love of the natural world and the practical, pragmatic approach rural Australians take to life and the land.

    After a life-changing event, the former diesel mechanic and farmer now finds himself running a small country newspaper telling the stories of the bush, witnessing real-world impacts of policies formed with purely political motivations, and contemplating the meaning of life.   

    You can read his publication here: https://www.thebridgenews.com.au/

  • Dave Pellowe

    Dave Pellowe is a Christian writer & commentator, founder of The Good Sauce, convener of the annual Australian Church And State Summit and host of Good Sauce’s weekly The Church And State Show, also syndicated on ADH TV. Since 2016 Dave has undertaken the mission of arming Christians to influence culture through events from Perth to Auckland, videos, podcasts and articles published in multiple journals across Australia and New Zealand.

    Christian by choice and conservative by coincidence, Dave is a writer & commentator on all things cultural & political. His area of special interest is the Biblical role of the Church – Christians – in politics & culture. He believes in objective Truth, personal responsibility & reliability, strong families & nations, maximum freedom and teeny tiny governments, and that all good laws flow from the Mind of God.

    Dave’s videos, podcasts & writing feature expert interviews and commentary about important public issues. He interviews national & international thought leaders like professors & politicians, lecturers & lobbyists, industry and church leaders – all with very diverse backgrounds, worldviews and opinions about the issues that affect and shape our society.

    Dave Pellowe contributed a chapter about freedom of religion in the Australian Constitution in the 2023 book, “The Spirit Behind The Voice – The Religious Dimension of the “Voice” Proposal“, edited by Gabriël Moens AM and Professor Augusto Zimmermann.

    Dave Pellowe has also recently begun helping right thinking authors to self publish with better marketing and profits with his publishing brand, Locke Press.

    Dave’s first hand political experience includes being a successful local election campaign media consultant and then campaign director (winning a very safe seat from Labor). Dave served the Family First Party for many state & federal elections on the Queensland State Executive until the party eventually merged with the Australian Conservatives.

    He has been independent of any political party since taking up commentary.