Dave Pellowe is a Christian writer & commentator, founder of The Good Sauce, convener of the annual Australian Church And State Summit and host of Good Sauce’s weekly The Church And State Show, also syndicated on ADH TV. Since 2016 Dave has undertaken the mission of arming Christians to influence culture through events from Perth to Auckland, videos, podcasts and articles published in multiple journals across Australia and New Zealand.

Christian by choice and conservative by coincidence, Dave is a writer & commentator on all things cultural & political. His area of special interest is the Biblical role of the Church – Christians – in politics & culture. He believes in objective Truth, personal responsibility & reliability, strong families & nations, maximum freedom and teeny tiny governments, and that all good laws flow from the Mind of God.

Dave’s videos, podcasts & writing feature expert interviews and commentary about important public issues. He interviews national & international thought leaders like professors & politicians, lecturers & lobbyists, industry and church leaders – all with very diverse backgrounds, worldviews and opinions about the issues that affect and shape our society.

Dave Pellowe contributed a chapter about freedom of religion in the Australian Constitution in the 2023 book, “The Spirit Behind The Voice – The Religious Dimension of the “Voice” Proposal“, edited by Gabriël Moens AM and Professor Augusto Zimmermann.

Dave Pellowe has also recently begun helping right thinking authors to self publish with better marketing and profits with his publishing brand, Locke Press.

Dave’s first hand political experience includes being a successful local election campaign media consultant and then campaign director (winning a very safe seat from Labor). Dave served the Family First Party for many state & federal elections on the Queensland State Executive until the party eventually merged with the Australian Conservatives.

He has been independent of any political party since taking up commentary.