David Landini is a native of Wakool in the Riverina. He is self employed and is very aware of the necessity of the creation of wealth via the production of agricultural and other material for the employment, stability, prosperity and happiness of the people in the Riverina.   

There is much legislation formed by the State governments of both NSW and Victoria that is inimical to the creation of wealth and production of material in the Riverina, and is consequently inimical to the happiness of its people. Regrettably, due to the insurmountable domination of these States by their capital city populations, the people in the non-capital city areas can have no effect in their Parliaments. Consequently, while they remain in these States, these people have no option other than accepting economic decimation and consequent financial and social decline.

David has identified this problem, but rather than accepting the otherwise inevitable fate, he is proposing that the people in the Riverina separate politically from both NSW and Victoria and form another State of the Commonwealth. This State will have the same authority as the current Australian States, and its people will be able to ensure that all governance is both responsible and for their own benefit.

State formation is surprisingly simple, and with the popular support that David is confident exists abundantly already, this formation will occur.

See and hear David explain the need for, the plan, and the progress to date achieved, in Riverina State formation.